At-Large Membership Nominations

Nominations are open for BAITLC's At-Large membership seat; the term will be February 2022 to July 2023. In BAITLC's commitment to help provide opportunities for the next generation of IT leaders on campus, this membership will provide valuable experience to learn how governance at the University functions and cross-unit decisions are made.

After reading the outline below, the nomination form may be completed here*. Self-nominations are permitted; each candidate is expected to have supervisor’s support to enter the nomination pool.

*For the optimum user experience, please a) ensure there are no other Qualtrics sessions in progress; b) open this survey in an incognito window, or clear cache and cookies before starting.



  • Is employed by one of BAITLC’s member organizations;
  • Currently serves in an IT role, which is broadly defined (i.e., Project Manager, Senior Business Analyst, Senior Software Developer, Principal Software Engineer);
  • Is not a member of a formal campus IT governance body;
  • Will ideally have ten years or less of IT experience including time at UT, though employees with additional experience will be considered;
  • Be considered likely to move into UT’s Business or Administrative IT leadership at some point during their career;
  • Believed likely to stay in UT’s employ to use some of the experience gained.


Term and Responsibilites

  • The At-Large member will be a full voting member of BAITLC during their term.
  • Term length will be eighteen months with a target February 2022 start date (for a July 2023 term end date).
  • The outgoing At-Large member will serve as a mentor to the next incoming At-Large member.
  • At-Large member will be mentored by a BAITLC member of a unit that is not their own to reinforce a connection beyond their department.

All nominees will be contacted in December 2021 after the selection process closes. 

For additional information, contact your department's BAITLC representative or email

Details about the At-Large Membership Committee are available here.