Committees & Projects

BAITLC functions as a full group on many topics but at times delegates work to committees through standing and ad hoc committees.

In 2021, Council determined that some immediate issues impacting the community could be tackled through cycles of sprints, with each cycle focusing on a new topic.

Activated standing committees will operate long-term; each committee's mission and goals will be periodically evaluated for need and applicability.

Sprint cycles have been launched in the following areas.

  • Next Generation Platform Project - The Business and Administrative IT Leadership Council (BAITLC) recently commissioned a project to develop a Next Generation Platform (NGP) to serve the development community and replace the existing PyPE platform. A cross-organizational team with 20+ members from seven organizations was formed in September 2021 and work is currently underway. This platform will serve as the authoritative place for administrative development to occur unless other platforms/services have been authorized.
  • IT's New Normal (addending University's official policies and guidance around work)

 In addition, BAITLC partners with the academically-focused  IT Leadership Council on the following Standing Committees and Working Groups: