At-Large Membership Committee


The BAITLC At-Large Member Nomination and Selection Ad Hoc Committee is responsible for recommending an end-to-end process for how the selection of BAITLC’s At-Large member will be conducted and how it will be managed going forward. 

Committee Charge

The BAITLC At-Large Member Nomination and Selection Ad Hoc Committee is charged with discussing and ultimately recommending to BAITLC, a holistic process for how BAITLC should conduct a process that leads to the selection of an At-Large member of BAITLC.  This committee will consider the following:

  1. Criteria that the At-Large member should meet to be eligible for selection.
  2. Criteria for who can nominate At-Large members.
  3. The process by which nominations are solicited through the selection of the At-Large member.
  4. The ongoing process and guidelines for the At-Large Member including the length of time an At-Large member serves before another is selected, what happens if the At-Large member does not fulfill their term, etc.
  5. A specific plan for how to conduct the At-Large member selection this first year, if different from the ongoing process recommended.


The following are assumptions that the committee should make:

  1. The At-Large member selected will be a full, voting member of BAITLC.
  2. It is BAITLC’s desire that the At-Large member represents a junior member of the Administrative and Business IT community and brings a diverse perspective to the group.
  3. It is BAITLC’s desire that the At-Large member learn and grow through the process of participating in BAITLC, thus furthering our BAITLC objective of building next-generation IT leaders for campus.
  4. The At-Large member must be selected from one of the BAITLC member units.
  5. The At-Large member will not already be a member of another formal IT governance group.
  6. This committee is not charged initially with conducting the process; however, in the committee recommendation to BAITLC, the first-year process details should be described including a recommendation for who should conduct the first-year process (which could be the At-Large Member Nomination and Selection Committee if the committee deems this appropriate).

Committee Background

BAITLC has a commitment to helping provide opportunities for the next generation of IT leaders on campus and a commitment to increasing diversity and inclusion across the business and administrative IT units and those we serve.  The addition of an At-Large member to BAITLC provides us a unique opportunity to further one or both of these objectives.



 Juan Garcia  Assistant Vice President for Advancement Strategy and Campaign Director   University Development Office
 Rachel Graham (Chair) 
 Associate Vice President 
 Enterprise Business IT Solutions
 Rich Janes             
 Program Director 
 Technology Resources                
Assistant Director of Information Systems 
  International Office