

 2021- 2024 Chair  
 Assistant Vice Provost and
 Director of Academic Information Systems  
 Academic Information Systems  


2021 - 2024 Vice-Chair   
 Rachel Graham        
 Senior IT Manager 
 Information Technology Services  



C W Belcher Deputy Director Academic Information Systems 
Marc Bruner Research IT Director Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors  
Cindy ChangDirector of Data ManagementUniversity Development Office
Alex Cruz Director, IT & AV Intercollegiate Athletics
Emma Dowd Executive Director of AnalyticsData to Insights
Heather Hanna Executive Director Enterprise Business IT Solutions
Rich Janes Director Technology Resources
Derek Knight Senior IT Manager Division of Recreational Sports
Vince Lightbourn Associate Director University Unions
David Mok  Assistant Director of Information SystemsTexas Global
David MossDirector of IT Infrastructure and ServicesITS Campus Solutions
Adam NorwoodDirector of Web and Digital StrategySchool of Law
Juan Ortiz Director of Enterprise Technical Solutions Enterprise Business IT Solutions
Alex Rapp Director of IT University Housing & Dining
Leslie Rodriguez  Associate Director of IT Office of Strategy & Policy
Dustin Slater    Assistant Director of IT UT Libraries 
Karen Smid Director of Technology Extended Education Ventures


Ex Officio Members

Ex Officio  
Cam Beasley   Chief Information Security Officer Information Security Office


To be a member of BAITLC, a department or portfolio will: (1) be accountable for business and administrative functions as a key part of its mission, and (2) integrate with other administrative/business IT systems, thus making the organization’s interoperability important or use central IT offerings.

Once an organization is determined to be eligible for membership, its representative(s) will be an IT unit leader/decision-maker.  If a member organization has more than 40 individuals in IT job titles, the organization may have two representatives in BAITLC to ensure adequate coverage (size is being used as a proxy for breadth of scope to be covered).

Membership will be reviewed periodically to account for organizational change and institutional initiatives.  The group will discuss how to handle which representatives have voting rights.

Non-business and administrative units are key and critical members of the administrative community.  In order to continue to promote collaboration and continuity amongst all organizations, people and systems, BAITLC will ensure that standing committees and working groups consider representation from non-business and administrative organizations to ensure the best decisions and plans are made.

BAITLC will have at least one at-large seat to be filled via a nomination process.  Nominations for this at-large seat will be accepted from Member organization staff.  Selection criteria are still in the formative stages but, at minimum, will require that the at-large member(s) be more junior member(s) of one of the business and administrative organizations to bring a diversity of perspective to BAITLC.